Although Google Chrome is the leader in the web browser arena yet the browser is prone to some issues.
Recently, I face an issue with the Google Chrome browser on my laptop. It got close and restarted automatically. On the restart, Google’s browser shows an error message Chrome didn’t shut down correctly.
Along with the error message, you will also get the option of “Restore”. By clicking on it, you can restore previously closed tabs that were opened before the error message showed.
Some of the users on Google Support Forums have also posted about this error message. Whenever the browser is launched the error message keeps on popping up.
There are few fixes for this error message on Chrome. In this guide, we will tell you about all those solutions that help you to solve this issue of Chrome didn’t shut down correctly.
1. Restore the Tabs in Chrome Browser
One of the best fixes for this issue is the Restore button. This button will be provided in the error message box. The user has the choice to reopen the tabs that were opened before the browser crashed. Although it will not fix the issue you will be able to work without any delay.
Alternatively, you can visit Chrome’s browsing history by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H and reopen the same sites.
The restoration of tabs will not work if you previously working in incognito mode. It will work for normal mode only.
2. Allow Chrome Apps to Run in Background
If the Chrome browser is not running then its extension and apps are not allowed to run in the background. This setting is made by default. You can switch off this setting and allows the apps to run in the background. It will cause chrome to run slow and lagging. But you will get the error resolved with ease.
Below are the steps to allow Chrome apps to run in the background.
- Open Google Chrome browser.
- Tap three-vertical dots at upper-right corner and click Settings from the list.
- Scroll down and open the Advanced section by clicking on it.
- Scroll down and under System Enable the Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed option.
It will fix the underlying issue in the Chrome browser. But this will come at a cost of degraded Chrome performance.
3. Edit The Deafult Folder File
Chrome Deafault Folder contains different types of data. It includes data related to Sessions, Cookies, and Cache of the user profile. The issue can be fixed by just renaming this default folder.
By renaming the default folder file of Chrome, the user profile gets removed and you need re-login in Chrome.
Below are steps that you should follow to rename the user data folder of chrome browser:
- Open File Expporer and you need to make the hidden items viewable. You can do it by going to View tab.
- Navigate to the path: C: > Users > UserName > AppData > Local > Google > Chrome > User Data
Bydefault, the AppData folder is hidden. But we have made the hidden files viewable.
- The Default Folder will be ujnder User Data. Right-click on it and select Rename command.
- Name it like “Default_old and press Enter.
After the process is complete, relauch the browser. Now this will probably fix the Chrome issue.
4. Edit the Chrome Preference File
If you above listed solution do not work for you then at this step you need to get hand on some technical things. It includes editing the chrome preference file.
To edit the chrome preference file, follow the steps listed below.
- Open File Explorer and naviagte to the below path:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
- Scroll and locate the Preferences file. Open it with any text editor.
- Open the Find dialog box by using the Ctrl + ‘F’ key combination.
- Type exit_type and press Enter to search.
- Now chnage the exit_type from Crashed to Normal.
- Use Ctrl + S key combination to save the changes.
Now check if the issue has been resolved or not.
5. Reset Google Chrome
By resetting the chrome browser, you can switch the browser to its default state. It can fix the error with ease.
All the changes and tweaks made in chrome browser will get erased and revert back to its default settings. To proceed with it, follow the below listed steps:
- Go to Chrome Settings
- Scroll dwon to Advanced section and open it.
- Scroll down to Reset and Clean up section.
- Click on Restore settings to their original defaults.
- In the popup box, click Reset settings.
After it, all the third-part extensions will get disabled. Along with it, cookies and temporary site data gets deleted. Now all the settings of Chrome will be back to its default state. Just restart the browser and issue will be fixed.
So these are the best ways to fix the error Chrome didn’t shut down correctly. Most of you will get the issue resolved with the first methods. If not you can try all the methods one by one.
One of the method listed above can downgrade the performance of Chrome. So you need also keep an on the performance.
Which method has worked for you? Let us tell about it in the comment section.