In this article, you will learn about how to set Google Chrome as your default browser on both computer and mobile. It also applies to different devices including computers, iPhones, and Android smartphones.

Google Chrome has the highest market share of any other browser. No other browser stands near Chrome in terms of usage. It does not happen overnight for Google.

In fact, Google has worked on their Chrome browser to make it as fast as possible and user-friendly. There are lots of extensions available for the Google Chrome browser.

So you want to change the default browser of your device. We want the Chrome browser to be our default browser. If you don’t know what is the default browser is, it is the browser that launches automatically when we open any web document or page.

For example; at first setup, Microsoft Edge is the default browser in Windows OS. Similarly for Mac, Apple Safari is the default browser. If an inefficient browser is set as the default browser in your system then it will slowly eat your time without getting much done. But Microsoft Edge on Windows is giving tough competition to Google Chrome.

Many useful features make anyone set Chrome as the default browser. It includes password management, an intuitive user interface, fast page loading, and much more. To use Google Chrome for every web-related task in your operating system, you need to make it your default browser.

Before going further, we need to install the Google Chrome browser on our devices including laptops and mobile. It applies to operating systems like Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

Set Chrome Default Browser On Windows

Making Chrome the default browser on Windows 11 is simple. To set Google Chrome as the default browser, you need to follow the below-listed steps.

1. Click on the menu of Google Chrome below the close button.

2. In the options menu, click Settings.

3. Click the Apps tab.

4. From the side panel, select Default apps.

5. At the bottom, under the Web browser, click on the current browser.

6. In the Choose an App menu, select Google Chrome

So this is how you can make Chrome your default browser in Windows 10. The different versions of the operating make this process a little different. But you can quickly land on the Default apps page by searching it in the search bar.

Make Chrome Default Browser On Mac

Like Windows, making Chrome the default browser on macOS is a simple process. Below are the steps listed for changing the Mac default browser to Chrome.

1. Open the Google Chrome app on your Mac computer.

2. Click the Menu icon at the top-right corner.

3. In the list, click on Settings.

4. On the left-side menu, click Default Browser.

5. Under the Default browser section, click Make Default.

To proceed with all these steps, first, you need to make sure that Google Chrome is installed on your Mac.

Set Chrome As Default Browser In Android

Google Chrome for Android comes preinstalled with all Android smartphones. Also, setting Chrome as the default browser on Android is a pretty straightforward process. Many Android phones have already set Chrome as the default browser. But some customized Android UI like MIUI and ColorOS have their version of a web browser and are set to default.

You need to follow the below-listed steps to set Chrome as the default browser on Android.

  1. Open the “Settings” app in your Android device.
  2. In the menu, Tap Apps & Notification.
  3. Tap Advanced at the bottom.
  4. Tap the “Default Apps” tab.
  5. Tap Browser app and select Chrome.

While opening any link, you will also be prompted to choose a browser to open the link. You have to select Google Chrome with the Always option. It will set Chrome as the default browser on Android.

Make Chrome the Default Browser for iPhone or iOS

From iOS 14, Apple has added a feature that allows you to set any installed browser as default on your iOS device. Previously, Safari is the only browser to use on iOS.

One thing you need to make sure of is that Chrome browser should be installed on your iPhone or iPad before setting it as the default browser.

Below are the steps listed to set Chrome as the default browser on iPhone/iPad.

1. Open Settings app.

2. Scroll down and Tap Safari

3. Tap Default Browser App.

4. Select Chrome browser from the list of browsers.

Now, Chrome is set as the default browser on your iOS device.

Conclusion: Chrome As Default Browser

I also use Chrome browser on almost every device including smartphones and laptops. The main reason to use Chrome is it works smoothly and opens web pages in a snap.

If you also want to open all of your links on your phone and computer then you need to set Chrome as the default browser. To know about this, carefully read this article about How to Set Google Chrome as Default Browser?

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